Join us for the third annual gathering of leaders driving AI strategies, agendas, and products.

October 1 & 2, 2024
Four Seasons, Seattle
Check out the just-announced
2023 IA40 Winners

2024 Speakers

Intelligent and generative applications are defining the next generation of innovation. New GenAI, agentic, and infrastructure stacks are emerging. At the 2024 IA Summit we will hear from founders at the cutting edge and established companies building for the future.

Yann Lecun
Brad Gerstner
Daphne Koller
Aidan Gomez
Co-Founder & CEO

Summit Chauhan
Marco Argenti
Marco Argenti
Oren Etzioni

Foundation models and GenAI are taking the world by storm. As these technologies mature, the potential they have when deployed in business applications becomes more apparent by the day. It is these applications that will  define the future of software and the next generation of computing.

AI Podcasts

Summit Agenda

Morning Sessions
8:00 – 8:20am
Networking Breakfast
8:20 – 8:30am
Introduction to Intelligent Applications | Matt McIlwain/Madrona
8:30 – 9:15am
Fireside chat | Data is the Driver | Matt Garman/AWS & Matt McIlwain/Madrona
9:15 – 10:00am
Intelligent Application Company Spotlights | WhyLabs, SeekOut, Cresta
10:00 – 10:30am
Break & Networking
10:30 – 10:50am
Keynote | Peter Lee/Microsoft
10:50 – 11:30am
Enablers Panel | What Enables Application Intelligence | Justin Borgman/Starburst, Anu Sharma/Statsig, and Alex Ratner/Snorkel | Moderated by Peter Lee
11:30 - 12:00pm
Lunch Break & Networking
Afternoon Sessions
2:00 – 12:40pm
Fireside chat | Emerging Trends that Matter in AI & ML (Foundation Models, Transformers, and Stable Diffusion) | Oren Etzioni/AI2 and Carlos Guestrin/Stanford | Moderated by Luis Ceze/OctoML
12:45 – 1:30pm
Breakout Sessions
Session A
Intersections of Life Sciences and Innovation | Maddison Maseli/Deepcell, Lucas Nivon/Cyrus Biotechnology, and Jonathan Carlson/Microsoft | Moderated by Charlotte Hubbert/Nanostring
Session B
Applying AI/ML in Robotics | Leo Dirac/, UW Professor/Siddhartha Srinivasa, Amanda Marrs/AMP Robotics | Moderated by Tim Porter/MadronaSession C: Sales Enablement | Craig Hanson/Gong, Prasad Raje/Outreach, Kyle Coleman/Clari | Moderated by Zoe Hillenmeyer/
1:30 – 1:45pm
1:45 – 2:45pm
Keynote | Why we believe the next generation of applications will be intelligent | Charles Lamanna/Microsoft
2:45  – 3:05pm
Fireside chat | Intersections of ML & Life Sciences Applied in Healthcare | Yinhan Liu /Birch AI and Jon Turow/Madrona
3:05  – 3:35pm
Keynote | Intersections of Biology and Technology | Geoff von Maltzahn/Flagship Pioneering
3:35 – 3:45pm
Announce 2022 IA40 winners & PitchBook partnership | Sabrina Wu/ Madrona and Dan Cook/Pitchbook
3:45 – 4:15pm
IA40 2022 Winner Spotlights | Luis Ceze/OctoML and Cristóbal Valenzuela/RunwayML
4:15 – 4:30pm
Closing Remarks | Matt McIlwain/Madrona
4:30 – 5:30pm
Request 2024 IA Summit Details
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